"Moon Mother"

by Nathaniel Cook

Material: Green Sugar Nephrite
Weight: 0.87 lbs.
Dimensions: 4.35 in. x 3.1 in. x 1.85 in.
Price: $3,899.99 (USD)

This piece, carved for the 2014 World Jade Symposium, is made from a green nephrite supplied by Bull Trout Jade out of its mines in Washington state. The jade contains flecks of yellow and black as well as occasional rivers of chatoyance, and it grades from a dark green on the back side to a lighter, white-green at the front.

"I drew on Puget Sound native motifs as well as some minor asian elements as inspiration for this largely biologically-focused piece. The 'Moon Mother' sits enfolded by her mantle of owl feathers, smiling serenely, yet confidently from the depths of her endless slumber. As a symbol of her position, she wears a circlet of moonlight on her head carved from a subtle chatoyant band." – Nathaniel Cook

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